Plugin update WeFact én HostFact plugin voor WooCommerce
WooCommerce WeFact en Hostfact koppeling
Plugin Update Versie 3.3.0
Onze plugin die WeFact en HostFact koppelt met WooCommerce heeft een mooie update gekregen. We nemen je graag mee in de update van versie 3.3.0 van de WeFact en HostFact plugin voor WooCommerce.
WeFact en HostFact koppelen met WooCommerce
Via de WeFact en HostFact plugin die koppelt met WooCommerce, koppel je in een handomdraai jouw administratie met de WordPress / WooCommerce webwinkel.
Het synchroniseren van facturen, debiteuren en producten zorgt er voor dat handmatig werk je bespaard blijft en je altijd een actuele administratie hebt.
Voor meer informatie over de WeFact plugin voor WooCommerce of de HostFact plugin voor WooCommerce kun je terecht op de betreffende plugin pagina's.
Je vindt de changelog van de plugin update(s) hieronder.
= 3.3.0 =
* Added: New settings page to pair WooCommerce VAT to WeFact VAT codes.
* Update: When creating invoices in WeFact the paired VAT code is used.
* Update: Added fallback for when VAT hasn't been paired yet. We retrieve the codes from WeFact and pair them on percentage. When multiple are found we check for the country code in the name of the code. If still multiple codes are found, we remove all codes with a dash.
* Update: Added "delete cache" button to the info tab in the settings page to delete plugin cache. For now only deletes taxcode transients.
* Update: Added compatibility with the WooCommerce Deposits plugin.
* Improved: Downloading an invoice from the frontend now also works in Chrome.
* Improved: When adding a paired product to an invoice, we send the order item's price and taxcode to ensure consistent pricing between the order and invoice. Fixes compatibility with at least: "WooCommerce Product Bundles".
* Improved: Notice after successfully syncing invoice templates appears only if a saved invoice template exist, to inform users who used templates before syncing with Settings API was possible.
* Improved: The update of an invoice was triggerd while trashing a WooCommerce order. This will not happen now.
* Info: Bumped tested up to versions.
* Info: Updated English translations.
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 3.3.0 =
* After updating you will be prompted to pair WooCommerce tax rates to the correct WeFact VAT code. This is required to make sure the correct VAT code is used on the invoice.