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Rick de Jong


17 april 2023 09:57

Laatste update: 17 april 2023 04:01

WooCommerce WeFact en Hostfact koppeling

Plugin Update Versie 3.2.0

Onze plugin die WeFact en HostFact koppelt met WooCommerce heeft een mooie update gekregen. We nemen je graag mee in de update van versie 3.2.0 van de WeFact en HostFact plugin voor WooCommerce.

WeFact en HostFact koppelen met WooCommerce

Via de WeFact en HostFact plugin die koppelt met WooCommerce, koppel je in een handomdraai jouw administratie met de WordPress / WooCommerce webwinkel. 

Het synchroniseren van facturen, debiteuren en producten zorgt er voor dat handmatig werk je bespaard blijft en je altijd een actuele administratie hebt. 

Voor meer informatie over de WeFact plugin voor WooCommerce of de HostFact plugin voor WooCommerce kun je terecht op de betreffende plugin pagina's.

Je vindt de changelog van de plugin update(s) hieronder.

= 3.2.0 =
* Update: Bumped PHP compatibility to at least PHP 8.1.13
* Update: When an API error occurs during the synchronization of groups, the error is now shown to the user.
* Update: Order changes to the order items are auto synced when auto export is enabled.
* Update: Added setting to opt-in for saving the product code created by WeFact as WooCommerce SKU when exporting a product.
* Update: Added setting to toggle "multiple webshops" so we can use this value to validate the other settings.
* Improved: Migrated from sending TaxPercentage to TaxRate in the API calls. We do this by retrieving and caching the taxrates with the settings API.
* Improved: Removing a product link from a WooCommerce product variation only removes the "paired to" text of the current variation.
* Improved: Removed the "test settings" button and instead of this button we allways test the client settings while saving.
* Improved: Modified license error handling to only apply to this plugin and not to others using the same package.
* Improved: An invoice in WeFact is not updated when an order in WooCommerce is trashed.
* Improved: Added tooltip to the settings to help users with multiple shops and one WeFact environment.
* Improved: Removed error logging when no debtor was found prior to making a new debtor because it would confuse users.
* Improved: Added clear logging in the flow for creating a new debtor or finding an existing one.
* Improved: Backwards compatibility for products paired before 3.0.0. These pairs will now also add the Product Number on the invoice.
* Improved: Sending the WeFact invoice via WooCommerce from the order admin is now only possible when the order is completed. This is because we send the wc_email_customer_invoice email.
* Improved: Errors while linking products with SKU are now shown to the user in the metabox.
* Improved: Shipping information is now send with custom fields. This also fixes bugs that occured while the shipping address was send with the invoice.add request. Documentation is found in the plugin dashboard.
* Bugfix: Bulk actions performed on orders only worked in specific onccasions. This is now fixed.
* Bugfix: Meta box errors occurred when orders weren't exported to WeFact. Now, a check prevents this.
* Bugfix: Variations of products could not be paired by SKU. This is now fixed and we give the user more feedback.
* Bugfix: Deleting the WeFact invoice from the order meta box would link it immediately again to the deleted invoice by exporting. The invoice would be deleted in WeFact.
* Bugfix: Unlinking an order from the WeFact invoice would link it immediately again by exporting.
* Bugfix: When a user used the guest debtor feature the details of the guest debtor were used instead of the billing details. This is now fixed.
* Bugfix: Some checkboxes could not be disabled. This is now fixed.
* Bugfix: New debtors were not added to the saved debtor group. This could also result in duplicate debtors. This is now fixed.
* Info: Bumped tested up to versions.
* Info: Updated English translations.
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 3.2.0 =
* If you are using variables like [factuur_bedrijfsnaam] on the invoice to show shipping information and [bedrijfsnaam] for debtor information then you should now change this. Read the documentation for the field "export shipping information" in the dashboard of the plugin after updating.