Plugin update WeFact én HostFact plugin voor WooCommerce
WordPress plugin update
Versie 3.0.0-Beta1
Onze plugin die WeFact en HostFact koppelt met WooCommerce heeft een mooie update gekregen. We nemen je graag mee in de update van versie 3.0.0 (bèta 1) van de WeFact en HostFact plugin voor WooCommerce.
Wat meteen opvalt is de nieuwe layout van de plugin. Het instellingenscherm van de plugin is opgefrist en meer in lijn met onze eigen (nieuwe) website. En hoewel het cosmetische is wat opvalt, zit de kracht van deze update achter de schermen.
Achter de schermen
Er zijn een aantal nieuwe functies toegevoegd die lang op jullie wensenlijstje stonden. Zo is het koppelen van producten op SKU niveau verbeterd en is er meer vrijheid in het kiezen van een debiteurengroep, waardoor je eenvoudig je debiteuren kunt scheiden binnen je WeFact en/of HostFact omgeving.
Ook kun je bestellingen koppelen aan een concept-factuur binnen WeFact. Bij de product synchronisatie is zowel het wijzigingen als het verwijderen van producten ondersteund.
Voor de complete lijst met aanpassingen verwijzen we je graag naar onderstaande changelog
WeFact en HostFact voor WooCommerce direct bestellen?
* Updated: New dashboard layout.
* Updated: Complete plugin structure. We now use namespaces and import classes where needed. Be aware of this when using any custom code to hook into our plugin.
* Updated: Tooltips in the admin are shorter and more clear.
* Updated: Split the product settings and the global plugin settings in different tabs to make navigating the plugin settings more clear.
* Updated: Promoted experimental setting "invoice template" to the normal settings.
* Updated: Moved the WeFactLog class to the Helper namespace.
* Updated: WeFact logo in WordPress menu has been updated to one that is more clear to see.
* Updated: Bumped minimal PHP version.
* Updated: Bumped minimal and tested-up-to WooCommerce version.
* Updated: Bumped minimal and tested-up-to WordPress version.
* Updated: Improved product pairing for simple WooCommerce products.
* Updated: Product pairing for product variations can now be done within the variation itself. All settings shown apply for only one variation instead of all of them.
* Updated: The bulk deletion of product pairs is more robust and will give better feedback in the admin.
* Updated: Translations. Base language of the plugin is Dutch and English translations are added.
* Updated: The discount of a used coupon will now be shown within WeFact. Previously, the discount was already in the product totals, this could lead to confusion for customers.
* Updated: Logging message for failed invoice create. We now log the posted data as well as the WeFact response. Should avoid confusion, as often happens when a creating failed due to VAT rules.
* Added: Plugin config in favor of using plugin constants. The constants are now labled deprecated.
* Added: Notice class in favor of global function displayErrorMessage(). The function is now labled deprecated.
* Added: New information in the plugin documentation about the "invoice template" functionality. Added link towards the documantation in the settings tab.
* Added: Link to settings page in the plugins list table.
* Added: Link to the logs in the plugin list table.
* Added: Setting which will make it possible to pair products based on SKU when the same SKU is found in WeFact during product export.
* Added: Setting to set a productgroup that is used when exporting a WooCommerce product. The product group is also used while searching for products in WeFact.
* Added: Setting to set a debtorgroup that is used when adding or editing a WeFact debtor. The debtor group is also used while searching for debtors in WeFact.
* Added: Setting to be able to pair orders to an existing invoice by a reference-order_id during export.
* Added: Setting to opt-in for product edit synchronization. Edits to WooCommerce settings will also apply for the WeFact product.
* Added: Setting to opt-in for product delete synchronization. Deletion of a WooCommerce product will delete the paired WeFact product.
* Added: Setting to apply a prefix to the InvoiceCode in WeFact, only works when WooCommerce determines the InvoiceCode with the Order ID.
* Removed: Deprecated WeFactLogger.
* Removed: Deprecated third parameter on the function exportOrderToWeFact.
* Removed: Deprecated logbook from dashboard.
* Removed: Deprecated settings "wfLogging".
* Removed: Duplicate setting for removing product links.
* Removed: Deprecated coupon compatibility for WooCommerce <= 3.7
* Removed: Debtor Comment as it overwrote any custom debtor notes in WeFact + order comment was allready added as Invoice Description
* Bugfix: Removed functionality to save default values on startup. We use default values troughout the plugin instead. The saving of default settings could result in a reset on plugin update.
* Bugfix: It was impossible to manually export orders when "automatic export" was disabled in the settings.
* Bugfix: When automatic export was enabled; An order would be exported to WeFact after deletion of the link in WooCommerce which resulted in duplicated invoices in WeFact. For users it would look like the deletion of the link failed.
* Bugfix: When automatic export was enabled; An order would be exported to WeFact after deletion of the invoice in WeFact, because of this the deletion worked fine but the invoice would be re-added immediately.
* Bugfix: Erros while validating a license will now be handled properly.
* Bugfix: A "show" request was executed while requesting a delete for products.